Sunday, 14 June 2015

Blog everyday in May - not quite.

So I took on the blog everyday in May challenge and while I wouldn't go so far as to say I failed I would say that I went into it knowing that it was unlikely that I would succeed... why would I do this you might ask?  Well what is life without challenges?  If we only ever do the things we know we could do then I might just end up sitting in bed reading novels and hiding under a cat for the rest of my life.
I think this cat is fluffy enough to hide under...

Although that would not be the worst way to live I don't think my job, the bank or my toddler would be too impressed by that course of action. So I decided to have ago at Blog Everyday in May to try to blog a bit more and in one respect it has worked as I posted more blogs last month than I often do in numerous months but I also found that I felt awkward posting many of them.  It has helped me realise that there are some things that I am happier blogging about than others.

I prefer writing about food, books and films than about myself.  That isn't because I'm not amazing, my hair is like the ocean and my imagination spans multiple genres; of course I'm brilliant!  I just prefer writing about other things I am enthusiastic about. 

So I ended up tailing off my blog posts around the middle of last month as I was focusing on work and getting ready for our family trip to Spain at the end of the month.  Now that has come and gone and it's nearly the middle of June! How did that happen?  So since May I have carried on learning Spanish with Duolingo, re-started learning code with Codecademy and plodded on with trying to finish my second novel Time for Tea.  Not bad for a working Mum in her late twenties I reckon...
One of the things I saw in May but didn't have time to blog about.

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