Sunday, 1 March 2015

A little update.

So my plan to re-start the 52 week recipe challenge appears to have fallen by the way side, as has regular blogging... this is partly due to me underestimating the difference between a toddlers energy levels and my own.  I think for now having batches of meals ready to heat up after a busy day of work, chasing after my son, lifting away him from danger/fragile things and general household chores is a good thing. Experimentation will have to happen as and when inspiration strikes.

So since my last post I have been to Spain and enjoyed the joys of sunshine, tapas and siestas!

I have also enjoyed a night out with my family to celebrate my Auntie Ann's birthday, baked a few cakes, visited my sister in Nottingham and gone belly dancing. (As well as working, looking after my son and being ill every few weeks.)

So that's what I have been doing when I haven't been blogging, that and trying to work out how to end one of my novels... eventually I will crack this writing malarkey! I hope anyway.

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