Friday, 2 January 2015

Farewell 2014 and welcome 2015.

So 2014 has bitten the dust and been replaced by the arbitrary place marker that is 2015... I mean the fancy new year! Last year saw my son learning lots of things from rolling over up to walking, attempting to learn coding using codeacademy; as well as my return to work.
I started last year with a list of 14 aims in place of resolutions and I am pretty sure they nearly all fell by the wayside. Ooops! I guess that's the way these things go.

This year I think maybe it would be better to try to worry a bit less about my appearance and near herculean tasks.  Instead I think the focus will be on trying to remain positive when things are hard, being a bit more assertive when the need arises and make time to do the things I enjoy rather than procrastinating.

Sometimes that's writing a quick blog to say that I am still here dreaming, reading, watching the odd gig and finding humour in all the wrong places.  Just occasionally falling into the working and childrearing swamps of utter exhaustion. Fear not I'm working out where the fire and rodents of unusual size are as I write!

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