Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Yet more things I've been doing when I haven't been blogging...

Over the few weeks I've found it difficult to find the time to try new recipes and at the start of the month I struggled to find the time to even cook home cooked meals!

In one week I was out with work for lunch and then I ate out for my Mum's birthday celebration tea, a few days later I was eating out again when meeting my boyfriend up for an election day lunch then the day after we had a takeaway once the count was done...  I even ate out for my tea that Sunday as well!

This year I took a few days off around the election and helped with the count which was enlightening and should soon be enriching my bank balance! I got to the English Sport Institute at 8am helped set out a few ballot boxes before going to my ward table after nine where I received my training, basically count things into piles of 25 on the desk in front of the party activists/candidates. This process took about four hours for the count of the local election and the mayoral referendum.

Despite it not taking too long I stuck around with my boyfriend a little after to help him pack everything away and left around three-ish.  By this point I felt shattered and not up for cooking so we ordered a take away.

The next day I woke up feeling a bit brighter eyed and bushy tailed so I met my friend up to sample cake's at Appetite Sheffield's Cake Break at Tamper Coffee.

Word had obviously gotten around and the little coffee bar was rammed! Eventually we managed to get seats and cakes, the biggest challenge was choosing from the many varieties!

All the cakes were on sale for between £1.50 and £2.50 a slice with all proceeds going to the M.S Society, nowt like eating cake for charity! You can find out more about it this event and Appetite here.

The rest of the bank holiday was spent visiting family and pottering before returning to work and preparing for our day trip to Cleethorpes!

Surprisingly on the Saturday of the day trip to Cleethorpes the sun was out and the rain stayed away for once.  There was a leisurely train ride to the coast, a trek to the smallest pub followed by a refreshing pint in the beer garden.
Some light refereshments for our journey!

Then a tiny train ride on the light railway.
Enjoying the sunshine & tiny train ride...

A ride on the lollipop train, fish and chips, more beer and all manner of other seaside treat based gorging.

After this successful excursion and a relaxing Sunday spent seeing relatives and putting my greenhouse back up after it fell down I've finally managed to find the time and energy to make a new recipe to put on the blog! Keep your eye's peeled it will be up soon.

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